Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Grateful Christmas, not Grateful Presents

Christmas, everyone celebrates it and even in most countries. Whether to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ or any other reasons. Let us all collectively agree that Christmas is the most celebrated holiday ever existed. Though in modern day society everyone only celebrated Christmas out of tradition, for the presents, and/or for the sake of celebrating Christmas. Although this year has lost the spirit of Christmas, I want to make my Christmas extra special. But not in they way you expect…

     Love is always present in good or bad timing. Whether it is our desire, our passion, goal, person, thing, anything that makes us love. And in Christmas what else do I love? My family of course! Just meeting with my relatives is the greatest gift I could ever asked for! No need for pasalubong or any gifts. But this year my relatives can’t come over nor we can come over to them. Due to the current conflict within my family, we can’t meet this Christmas. But that doesn’t mean I can just stop there! I just celebrate with the family I have currently! My mother and father, I am grateful enough to celebrate Christmas with them. And that is my love for Christmas.


Compassion is the greatest personality a person could have. And in this Christmas I wish to expand my compassion even more. Though Christmas is the season of giving, I can give more than a simple gift. And I don’t need money to buy someone’s happiness if I am enough to make my loved ones happy! Though some people will not appreciate my low efforts to make them happy, I hope it can make me feel slightly better for I am grateful for my compassion.


Now what about the community? What can I for my friends and neighbors? My classmates and school? That is the challenging part for me. My mission is to be grateful but everyone has their own views for Christmas. Some understood the message but some needs more than a simple greeting and handshake. My friends included. Well I am trying to make this work with whatever I have in store. So this Christmas I ought to entertain my community the best I could! Caroling, greeting, giving money, and being hospitable is enough to celebrate Christmas with the community. But my friends will be another story…

     My way will look underwhelming to the majority. It isn’t as lavish as the ones you see in social media, but remember that this is my Christmas. I am grateful with what I have, the people I’m with, and if I can’t please your standards then I am sorry. But take note it’s not always about giving gifts or eating out, it’s the thought of being together with the people you love and adore is enough. I am grateful this year, and I hope you too can be grateful.







My Last Reflection: Time to Change

     It has been a very short but impactful year. I have met very wonderful people in my life, made little but proud academic achievements, ...