Friday, April 12, 2024

Valiant Hearts, Unnamed Soldiers of War

     Many Filipinos died at war and their names are lost amongst time. We may not know their story but the best we can do is to honor their sacrifices and services. This day, April 9, and on this day we commemorate our fallen brothers in arm. This day is the Day of Valor. To remember Filipino and American soldiers who fought against the Japanese, particularly the Battle of Bataan.

     But why must we commemorate this day? It is to honor our heroes, the soldiers of war: It is to honor the courage and sacrifice of Filipino soldiers who fought with bravery and resilience despite being overwhelmed. To remember their sacrifices: To remember the suffering endured by these soldiers, especially those who are subjected to the infamous Bataan Death March. For National Pride and Unity: It reminds us of our forebears who fought for our country's freedom and strengthens our nation's identity and pride. And to Pay Tributes to Veterans of War: Of course this day is also to commemorate the veterans who served our country and to appreciate their contributions to secure peace and freedom for the Philippines.

     Overall, the Day of Valor is a solemn of the costs of war and the high price of freedom. Reinforcing the appreciation for the soldiers who partake in war. We honor not only the surviving veterans and the fallen Filipinos but we also honor those who served honorable military service in defending the country. Their contribution and sacrifice will never be in vain for their efforts are worth it in the end. The Philippines is now free all thanks to these nameless heroes.


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