Monday, April 15, 2024

The Inevitable Change

     I imagine a country which is in a state of balance. A place where people are not too selfish with comfort, adapt to every struggle, no poverty, no neglect. By now there have been many issues in the Philippines that has been neglected by the current government. I want to make a change, but I know it can't happen now, so I must start preparing now. If being a governor or politician take's me into a breath's distance to a greater change, then that is where I will start.

     I will study hard and smart, to be diligent, academics are the steppingstone into my dream career. Afterwards I will enroll myself in law school and get a degree and a scholarship, but becoming a lawyer takes time so I will be an accountant as my side job. Once I graduate then I will study criminology to further enhance my knowledge and give me a better chance in defending my statement. Of course there will be obstacles in my way, and unfortunately it is the corrupt side of our government who only think of their own comfort and greed. Many sins of greed, lust, and gluttony. But the greatest sin is sloth, which is the start of their negligence. But they won't stop me, they make the laws that suppress us then I will use the law against them and see if they practice what they preached.

     I am not against the government, but the people needed more than protection. Needs must be met, and we can't expect the poor or the rich to have ambitious children. The change I want is less on myself but to make the Philippines better. To not become weak when tough times come, but not become lazy when times become easy. Balance is the way and the goal of my dreams.


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