Friday, March 22, 2024

122nd HSD Celebration: The Struggles We've Endured

     The annual High School Day Celebration is a mandatory event for students and teachers to partake each year. Here in ISNHS, we too celebrate High School Day. This year is it's 122nd time we celebrate it. And how did we celebrate? Well, let me share you my experiences.

     To start things off, before the High School Day all grade levels from 7 to 10 must practice their high school day dance. This lasted for a whole week and it is separated from boys to girls. For us boys our practice were harsh. Having to dance under the hot sun as it cooks us alive, and yes I am exaggerating. Everyone has to decide whether they wear a jacket and hat to avoid getting sunburn but having to sweat buckets of sweat from it, or to not wear anything to reduce sweat but risking getting a sickening tan. I have no choice but to wear a jacket to practice due to made fun off for getting darker. And the sun was a deadly laser. My friend from Special Science Class nearly passed out from the heat and have to spend the rest of the day in the clinic to cool off.

     As for the dance itself, it wasn't difficult to practice at all. Yet I feel like the Mapeh teachers are making new steps after every take. Most cases they force us to repeat for 3 hours just to have it change later on, making our efforts wasted. From the groans of every boy all around we are all tired and wanted to hog the nearest fan we could find. Yet they made us practice under the sun for hours on end. Then when it's the girls turn, they only get 3 takes before calling it a day! And when they practiced the sun already sets because it is 5pm! God I don't care if their props were hell during practice, the boys have to spend hours sweating our butts!

     Speaking of props, our props weren't bad to make its just the materials we have to hassle over. Many colored cartolina have been bought just to make a simple fan. Many glue, tape, scissors, and pencils have been used to make our props. We wake up early and head to school early just to finish our props. At one point we all haven't ate lunch since we've been busy making our props!

     Overall by the time High School Day finally comes and our efforts were paid off. Though we started of with a parade, then the dance, finally the afternoon concert. Which is incredible though I wish they sang more English songs. Regardless I enjoyed my time. But I still get horrors from the practice...

Leadership under Teamwork

     I'll be frank when I say I'm not the most qualified leader, yet because of my unspoken charisma I've been chosen as the leader of my group. Never wanting to disappoint them I accepted my role and be their chosen leader. Our theme Livelihood and Economics with our chosen topic be Entrepreneurship Business and Industries. Though the theme is challenging, we believe that we can push through! But that is just the beginning.

     Assigning each member's role is hard for me. Since I have to take account of the capabilities of my group members. And to rub more salt in the wound each role taken is an individual grade. That means I need to take account of the individual grades of my members and myself. And for us our roles were imbalance. With me taking 4 components which are: a, b, c, and d.

     My entire week was work loaded because of the thematic. Everyday is research and type. Really took a toll to my patience but I am obligated to finish my work soon as possible. Really can't disappoint my team, nor my grades. So I take it all in and stress myself through the weeks.

     I'll be frank when I say that I struggle with the thematic. But thankfully a leader is nothing without its team and with my group members we manage to finish what we're assigned. Well we encountered issues and errors but I scrutinize them once we're done. Also some of my members isn't contributing anything at all, even when they do it's chatGPT. But we have to work around that somehow.

     So the whole experience is what I imagined, stressful and tiring, not even interesting. But hey I can't leave in a bad note. I enjoyed working with people and I appreciate the efforts my group mates had done. I couldn't done it without them. And with that said, I bid you all a farewell.

My Last Reflection: Time to Change

     It has been a very short but impactful year. I have met very wonderful people in my life, made little but proud academic achievements, ...