Monday, April 22, 2024

A peer into the future

     The future will come, and it is inevitable. What can I do but prepare for my incoming change. I can only imagine what I'll be a decade later to which I what to share about. The future is unknown, and I don't know how to determine it now or soon. But I would like to say that to make my dreams come true then I would have to work diligently every day until I became what I dreamt of. With that said, I see myself...

     Working as an accountant, preferably in a bank or in an insurance company. I see myself still attending law school, listening attentively and thinking critically, I have 2-3 more years until I graduate. I see myself studying criminology in my pastime to further enhance my knowledge more. Then I study politics to handle politicians and governors. I see myself applying to become a registered lawyer/attorney, achieving my career goal. I know I won't be happy in that life, but it was necessary for me to make a living.

     Overall, it's a dull but satisfying future. With obstacles like corruption, unfairness, bias, and most importantly myself. Since my ego and envy will hinder my progress. I know I will succeed if I free myself from the negativity and be open-minded, but it'll be a long journey. So, let us see how far I will go?


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