Friday, October 20, 2023

A heartfelt letter to our President

"I promise..." Ah every politician says that phrase. But do they really practice what they preached? What about you, our dear President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.? Everyone has their opinions about you, some are good some are controversial. But in this letter you will read my heartfelt appreciation. Because even you deserves a praise for your feat.

Dear Mr. President,

The Philippines needs a leader like you to fix its issues. We believe in you and your upcoming projects to aid us in our time of need. I hope that under your wisdom the Philippines can develop to even greater change. Many Filipinos have extremely high expectations for their president and everyone is hoping for great decisions coming from you. We wanted a future. We needed a great change, we require the president's wisdom!

So as you read this, I acknowledge the burdens you carry and I respect your dedication for this country's growth. To make a greater Philippines is to have unity within it's people, and you unite everyone under a single lead. I hope you are happy, I hope your family is safe, I hope the Philippines develops. Because I do think that under your leadership and wit, we are all safe and contented. So that's all and every word is genuine.

With my warmest regards,

Jake Russel D. Reoliquio




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