Friday, October 20, 2023

Let the Earth breathe

     Last month was the annual National Clean-up Month where everyone around the globe cleans the environment for a whole week to save and preserve our surroundings, natural resources, and create a healthier living space for fellow beings. As a student, I partake in this act not for the sake of acting good but for the betterment of our Planet Earth. Cleaning isn't always done by your home but to any place we've been. Simple acts can result for a cleaner Earth. Through this blog I will share my activities I've done in September.          


The image here shows while I'm taking out the trash. It was my usual job. But what surprise me the most is that people actually dispose their wastes in their appropriate bins. Something like that is rare to come by but it is very welcoming to know some students know how to segregate their wastes.


This is me cleaning my classroom. Though you may question, "How does it relate to cleaning the environment?" Well, cleaning isn't always exclusive to nature but to our surroundings as well. The cleaner our surroundings, the healthier for our environment.

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow “

-Audrey Hepburn

Whether your garden is small or large, getting dirt on your hands and basking in a bit of sun can be good for you. So, get out there and beautify your surroundings. And given the current state of our planet, we need to do our part in saving it. Gardening impacts so many aspects of our lives such as the air we breathe, minimizing carbon footprints, and protecting small animals like birds, bees, and butterflies. We should take advantage of and participate in the initiative to improve the health of our planet. 

Here's a snap of me sweeping outside of my house. My parents were skeptical on why I ask if I could help with their chores but they were certainly happy that I helped them. Though I maybe sweeping leaves, my father will use these leaves as fertilizer for our garden. Every drop is recycled into a more significant use.

Here is an image of me watering our plants. The afternoon may look dull but it wont stop me from watering our garden. Well it doesn't look much of a garden right here in the picture, but trust me when I say we have a garden. I am just watering the plants in our front porch.

Cleaning up our surroundings isn't just about removing trash. It's about preserving the natural beauty of our environment and protecting the precious ecosystem that call them home.



 Good reads


mary said...

Continue being an advocate of the wnvironmwnt!

luna said...

thank you, and be an advocate for making nature a better place^^

My Last Reflection: Time to Change

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