Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Reflecting to my flaws...

     When you think of that one classmate who is always different from the rest of you, they probably have a trait that is unique or strange from your average student. I for one, think that they should not be judge based on their entire characteristics. They should be treated the same way you treat your friends. Just because he doesn't play basketball, ML, and bike or she doesn't gossip, chatter, and banter isn't a sufficient reason they should be humiliated or ignored. Why I'm saying this? Because I am that person, and now that I've gotten your attention let me share my reflection...

     What have I learned and discover throughout 1st Quarter? Well academic wise: I learned so much. Ranging from the history of internet, the pioneers who are involved with the development of the internet, and domain names. Learning the importance of informational listening, the use of textual aids, and Greek mythology. The types of plate boundaries, the theories that surrounds the idea "How does plates move?", and Earthquakes. The lists goes on! But I can't say for sure when I discovered my flaws...

    My flaws are eating me up like a piranha inside my stomach. I've dealt with a long time problem with my procrastination, which is caused by my lack of motivation to study. I've failed my exams and I know I won't make it into honors. What's worst is my sensitivity to critics. I am so cocky and naïve that I can't listen to anyone's advice, and I only acknowledge them when it is too late as the consequences punishes my ignorance. Not only that but my never ending doubt, lack of self-confidence, and incomprehensive ego all fueled by my negativity. No excuses can help me, no reasons can save me, no explanation is needed when my hypocrisy is written on my actions. I'm a fool of myself and those around me.

      I am stupid but not a fool. I can recover from my mistakes well and fix my problems easily. My potentials unleashes when I'm on pressure. My usage reaches it's peak when I am properly guided. Embarrassing, I am still dependent on others, I am not independent by myself. But I am not stupid for asking questions and requesting help. With a bit of reverse psychology I use my flaws to threaten myself to do better. Change is needed, and I can't sit there and be a sorry excuse.

     Moving on, I will be more diligent. More motivated. More determined. I will become a better student like I was before. I will give time to my studies, excel my exams, and conquer my demons! I will also improve myself as a person not academically but socially as well. Although I can't guarantee that promise, I will always keep in mind. I might make a fool out of myself again, I will learn from it. So I may not be the greatest classmate to be with, but I am not looking to compete with others. I am looking to compete with myself.




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My Last Reflection: Time to Change

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