Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Future Begins with a Gentle Heart

     May I get your attention? Thank you. Every November, here in the Philippines, we celebrate National Children's Month. This celebration aims to give children access to necessities like education, healthcare, and a healthy environment. Children needs to be Healthy, Nourished, and sheltered. Ensured to have the rights to life, not for some but for all! As Dr. Jose Rizal once said, "The youth is the future of the nation, and investing in children is key for the betterment of the next generation..." 


     As a student, actually as a child myself, what could I do to support National Children's Month? Knowing my capabilities, I can share insights I thought or researched: 

Educate Myself and Others 

- Knowledge is key and sharing my wisdom with the youth will ensure that they’ll be educated and mannered. 


Volunteer or Support local Initiatives 

- If I have the opportunity, I will join any events or activities involving National Children’s Month. I encourage you, my viewer, to volunteer as well! 


Promote Healthy Lifestyle Choices 

- I have seen many children subconsciously waste their potential without realizing it. It is crucial to promote a healthy or appropriate lifestyle to nurture their habits and get rid of unhealthy habits. 


Be a Role Model 

- This is important, even if I am a child myself, anyone younger than me will look up to me regardless. Any action I demonstrate will be seen as an example that influences a child’s mind. Be conscious of your actions. Whenever around children. I must set up an example that they can follow, a proper and kinder demonstration that they can adapt.

Celebrating National Children's Month is not for the sake of celebrating it but to empower children's rights to life. Children are the future of this world and if we need to feed their minds with proper knowledge, etiquette, and independence. As early as possible we must teach them right, play with them fairly, inspire them greatly, enrich them with compassion, and make them understand their freedom and rights. Because one day we'll grow older and wiser while our youth follow the same path as us. So while we still have time, why not play with your little siblings? Young neighbors? Cousins? Because they deserve the love and attention too? Go on. Have fun!

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