Tuesday, January 30, 2024

It's more fun sa Pamayanan!

     Well why don't 'cha look at that? Exams are over, thematic passed, and a week off from classes! And why not spend those days through celebrating the Fiesta of our beloved Heritage City of Vigan. There you can see the street dancing and parades, which are the highlight of the fiesta. But most importantly the main highlight is when we honor St. Paul our beloved Patron Saint. Come see the festivities they have in store! Bring your friends, bring your dates, bring your family, or bring your pets! You will never be bored for there is something that will catch your eyes! Ranging from an all you can eat food fair, the carnival with fun and exciting rides, and an upcoming trade fair with exotic things to buy! The fiesta has so many fun things to experience for  everyone to enjoy! Pretty convenient too it happens rights after our exams, welp moving on, let me share the wonderful experience with you all!

What else to start of than meeting up with my friends? This entire experience cannot be fun without them. I had fun goofing around with other doofuses. And honestly I'll be bored if I don't have anybody around.

Let's start things up with the carnival. What else is there to say? Fun rides, scary rides, all entertainment, with addition to food, and maybe some souvenirs. Give it a try! Might not be grand but definitely has a lot of effort put to it!

The carnival is packed with people. Locals and visitors alike! Even a glimpse of foreigners are added to the mix!

If you seen the video above then you'll also notice a lot of place to risk your money and earn your reward! Ranging from snacks, decorations, and possibly even more money! So, care to gamble? Because we sure aren't! Haha!

Here is me and my boys going in the horror house. Forgive my foul language and the constant screaming. Well, that's the common reaction if you enter a horror house to begin with. And, I fail to realize that you can't see anything but I can assure you the audio tells the story perfectly.

Hope you're feeling hungry because there is a lot of food for you to eat! Vigan Food Festival gathers all the culinary chefs to cook their delicious dishes and serve for anyone to taste! And my stomach is happy to feast on these dishes!

When we got there the place is fully packed with people! Hungry people to be exact! Man, I gotta say if you want to unite everyone then food is the go to for a large gathering!

Lastly is a sight to behold! The street dance is wonderful! I am entertained by the performance! Even though I am only watching their backs... Hehe, should've gone at front!

     In the end, I had fun! Me and my friends had fun! Though it'll be nice if I went out with my family. It is still fun nice hanging out with my friends! The festival is wonderful and there will be more exciting events to come in the upcoming month. So enjoy the festival with me! Go out, bring your friends or your family, your dear pets, and enjoy the experience! I haven't even show more of it! Parades, cosplay events, competitions, etc! So why don't you say? Drop your whatever you are doing. And have fun sa Pamayanan!


Kei said...

It's indeed more Fun in Vigan!

Eusofh Santino Cariño said...

Great work, the content is clear and concise.

Jhanena said...

Glad you enjoyed the celebration!

ben said...

Gl to your next journey, keep up the good work!

Raphael said...

Hope you enjoyed the festival and celebration in vigan

Irylle said...

I’m thrilled that you liked the celebration in vigan.

My Last Reflection: Time to Change

     It has been a very short but impactful year. I have met very wonderful people in my life, made little but proud academic achievements, ...