Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Progress means everything!

     Well quarter 2 was...  Underwhelming, for me to say the least. But I have improved better than before and my reflections finally stick into my head. So I improved as a person but for my academics? That's debatable. So it's just a mix of ups and downs and I can't find a middle ground to stand on. Well, I guess I can reflect more this time.

     What have I learned and discover throughout 2st Quarter? What did I learned this time? Something to do with HTML, attributes and stuff, improving my blog, etc. But what had I discover? Well for one I found a way to combat my procrastination, so that's great development. But now a new issue arises with my lack of motivation and effort which I'll explain thoroughly in the next question.

    Yeah. Well I now procrastinate less but I now lack motivation to study. It's different to procrastination but the thing is that I have grown bored and tired of studying. Yes, I can hear you say that studying is important, that I can't argue but I found myself giving less effort than before. My scores in exams are improving and my performance in general are exceptional but I simply find less motivation to continue on. Leaving me to situations where I am left with no reason to keep going with this cycle.

      I need someone to push me to my limits. I want someone to force me to do my academics with more passion. Then again if I do what I do without enjoying or accepting it then it isn't efficient of a solution. Instead I'll find ways to continue my studies through self goals and missions. For example, if I reach 5 recitations on English then I reward myself with ice cream. Simply to give myself motivation I have to challenge myself and promise a reward after completing it.

     Moving on I will enjoy my remaining junior high school days. Have low expectations but still give out my 100%. I will find the inspiration to keep going. And hope that I won't become lazier by the minute. Well that's all folks, thanks for reading!


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