Friday, April 26, 2024

My Last Reflection: Time to Change

     It has been a very short but impactful year. I have met very wonderful people in my life, made little but proud academic achievements, and experience the worse of me. So much happened and smiles, laughs, and anger are exchanged. I have changed you have changed, we all change in some way. So I want to make my final say...

     I learnt quite a lot: El Filibusterismo from Filipino, making research papers from English, Grouped and Ungrouped data from Math, Gas Laws and Biomolecules from Science, Nature from Esp, Political Rights from AP, Musical Plays and Cheerdancing from MAPEH, and of course the lessons I have learnt in ICT.

     But from learning, there will be challenges. Many of which comes from myself. I had lose all motivation left in me, I only kept pushing forward due to expectations people have in me. I never wish to disappoint them. My constant irritation and close-minded attitude which makes me a massive red flag. I can't seem to be open with people's help despite my dire situation.

     Yet I wished I address these challenges. But the only remedy is my parents. No one, even myself can't break me out of this destructive cycle than the keen observation from my parents. Without them I might've carry these bad habits over to senior high school. So I cannot express my gratefulness to have amazing help from my wonderful parents.

     Moving on, I will become better. I am not gaslighting myself and I am not making promises. I will do it! I will make myself better and improve! Abandon these old habits and become a better me! So this school year may not be the greatest but I enjoyed my months with you all! RJB, Maxwell, Marconi, Martinelli, and Markov students... I see you all in the flip side!

You have reached the end of the my journey, our journey, and now you have reached the end of the abyss. May the light shine upon thee for the future is bright!


Monday, April 22, 2024

A peer into the future

     The future will come, and it is inevitable. What can I do but prepare for my incoming change. I can only imagine what I'll be a decade later to which I what to share about. The future is unknown, and I don't know how to determine it now or soon. But I would like to say that to make my dreams come true then I would have to work diligently every day until I became what I dreamt of. With that said, I see myself...

     Working as an accountant, preferably in a bank or in an insurance company. I see myself still attending law school, listening attentively and thinking critically, I have 2-3 more years until I graduate. I see myself studying criminology in my pastime to further enhance my knowledge more. Then I study politics to handle politicians and governors. I see myself applying to become a registered lawyer/attorney, achieving my career goal. I know I won't be happy in that life, but it was necessary for me to make a living.

     Overall, it's a dull but satisfying future. With obstacles like corruption, unfairness, bias, and most importantly myself. Since my ego and envy will hinder my progress. I know I will succeed if I free myself from the negativity and be open-minded, but it'll be a long journey. So, let us see how far I will go?


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Mother's Day, in a Filipino Way

     We live our lives in comfort, care, and with guidance all thanks to our mothers. We never see what it was like to be a mother, but we know our mothers must put up with a lot just for us. In the eyes of mothers around the world, their child is their life goal, and their future is their reward. They sacrifice a lot for us to live. But here in the Philippines, how do we celebrate this day in a Filipino Traditional way?

     Well, Mother's Day in the Philippines is a cherished occasion marked by gatherings of families who come together to honor and express their love for mothers and mother figures.
Traditional Filipino dishes are often prepared or enjoyed at restaurants as part of the celebration. Gift-giving is a customary practice, with children presenting flowers, chocolates, or heartfelt cards to their mothers as tokens of appreciation. Children often plan surprises or special gestures to make their mothers feel cherished, such as breakfast in bed or organizing family outings. Many also take the opportunity to visit their mothers or mother figures if they live separately, prioritizing quality time together. Religious observances, including attending church services and offering prayers for mothers, are significant for those who are inclined towards spirituality. Additionally, some communities may host public events or celebrations to honor mothers, featuring music, dance performances, and other forms of entertainment. Overall, Mother's Day in the Philippines is a meaningful celebration that underscores the love, sacrifice, and importance of mothers in Filipino culture.

We Filipinos value our mothers more than relationships and friends. Because by the end of the day whenever we are lost, at our worst, completely devastated, or simply want someone to talk to. We all have our mothers lending their time to their children. They will yell at us for what we did, bark orders to us, act all protective over us, and any embarrassing or annoying acts. But just know, "Mother knows best!"


Monday, April 15, 2024

The Inevitable Change

     I imagine a country which is in a state of balance. A place where people are not too selfish with comfort, adapt to every struggle, no poverty, no neglect. By now there have been many issues in the Philippines that has been neglected by the current government. I want to make a change, but I know it can't happen now, so I must start preparing now. If being a governor or politician take's me into a breath's distance to a greater change, then that is where I will start.

     I will study hard and smart, to be diligent, academics are the steppingstone into my dream career. Afterwards I will enroll myself in law school and get a degree and a scholarship, but becoming a lawyer takes time so I will be an accountant as my side job. Once I graduate then I will study criminology to further enhance my knowledge and give me a better chance in defending my statement. Of course there will be obstacles in my way, and unfortunately it is the corrupt side of our government who only think of their own comfort and greed. Many sins of greed, lust, and gluttony. But the greatest sin is sloth, which is the start of their negligence. But they won't stop me, they make the laws that suppress us then I will use the law against them and see if they practice what they preached.

     I am not against the government, but the people needed more than protection. Needs must be met, and we can't expect the poor or the rich to have ambitious children. The change I want is less on myself but to make the Philippines better. To not become weak when tough times come, but not become lazy when times become easy. Balance is the way and the goal of my dreams.


Friday, April 12, 2024

Valiant Hearts, Unnamed Soldiers of War

     Many Filipinos died at war and their names are lost amongst time. We may not know their story but the best we can do is to honor their sacrifices and services. This day, April 9, and on this day we commemorate our fallen brothers in arm. This day is the Day of Valor. To remember Filipino and American soldiers who fought against the Japanese, particularly the Battle of Bataan.

     But why must we commemorate this day? It is to honor our heroes, the soldiers of war: It is to honor the courage and sacrifice of Filipino soldiers who fought with bravery and resilience despite being overwhelmed. To remember their sacrifices: To remember the suffering endured by these soldiers, especially those who are subjected to the infamous Bataan Death March. For National Pride and Unity: It reminds us of our forebears who fought for our country's freedom and strengthens our nation's identity and pride. And to Pay Tributes to Veterans of War: Of course this day is also to commemorate the veterans who served our country and to appreciate their contributions to secure peace and freedom for the Philippines.

     Overall, the Day of Valor is a solemn of the costs of war and the high price of freedom. Reinforcing the appreciation for the soldiers who partake in war. We honor not only the surviving veterans and the fallen Filipinos but we also honor those who served honorable military service in defending the country. Their contribution and sacrifice will never be in vain for their efforts are worth it in the end. The Philippines is now free all thanks to these nameless heroes.


My Last Reflection: Time to Change

     It has been a very short but impactful year. I have met very wonderful people in my life, made little but proud academic achievements, ...