Sunday, February 25, 2024

Mutual feelings

     Ah Valentines day, the day where everyone pitch in to enjoy with their significant other while the majority just spite couples and be bitter about the idea of love. Don't lie I know there are many of you who have some traumatic experience with love. Well for this year everyone is going white and black with bits of grey in amidst of it. And of course there are the single and contented people with their pinks. I wore blue in the sea of monochrome colors for I had a mutual understanding with someone.

     After the initial reactions everything went back to normal when classes starts. Well besides our math teacher who dressed wonderfully. But while the day goes on I am planning to take someone for a date. You only live once, right? Mind as well treat someone for a date. So while I prepare everyone stayed oblivious with few people knowing my plan.

     At last is the end of the day. Luckily she was cleaners on Valentine's day so I have time to wait. With box of chocolate in hand, seeing her walk out. I made my move. How was it? SHE SAID YES!

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