Monday, February 19, 2024

Simply Neat

     These sets of activities and services were fun to say the least. I never expected this to happen but it was neat that it happened. These are film viewing, printing, games, laminating, and research all provided by the ICT teachers and students. Each will provide some form of entertainment or use. But overall it's small but a welcoming set of events.

     Now what did I do exactly while I'm there? I simply went film viewing with my buds. The film was fine and dandy and a lot of effort was put into it. I had my smiles and laughs and definitely saw reactions from my friends too. Afterwards, me and my friends went to check out gaming, it was disappointing to say the least. Well for our standards.

     Overall its a small but neat event. Not much to expect but enough to get people interested. Maybe if I need to watch a short film to pass the day, try play some of those games provided, maybe I need something to be printed, or to be laminated, or perhaps I need to research something. There are ways that these activities and services to assess my wants or needs. So head out and give a try yourself.


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