Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Strong and Capable, that are women

     We live in the world where women are still made fun upon for their existence, their efforts are not appreciated thoroughly nor appropriately. But on recent years we are finally giving them the proper acknowledgement they deserve. Women's month aims to celebrate the empowerment of women as contributors and claimholder of development. Meant to show equality for women to have the same rights and struggles as men. This year, women's month 2024, we shall continue to celebration to give our respects.

     What can I do to help celebrate this women's month? To contribute I shall be on stage and express my thoughts and feelings in an extemporaneous. I had done so last year and I will do it this year too. I shall state their contributions and reveal their struggles while I say my opinions and views about this month. Equality is needed for both genders and justice mustn't turn a blind eye against women. Henceforth, I shall enlighten everyone.

     As I come conclude my statement, I believe women are not meant the be better than men nor men be better than women. But I believe men and women are made to compliment each other. Still women can't catch a break so Women's Month is here to celebrate the contributions these women have done for everyone. And this year I hope you to further express women's month in the extempo. Stay safe and love one another, and I'll see you all in the flipside!


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Mutual feelings

     Ah Valentines day, the day where everyone pitch in to enjoy with their significant other while the majority just spite couples and be bitter about the idea of love. Don't lie I know there are many of you who have some traumatic experience with love. Well for this year everyone is going white and black with bits of grey in amidst of it. And of course there are the single and contented people with their pinks. I wore blue in the sea of monochrome colors for I had a mutual understanding with someone.

     After the initial reactions everything went back to normal when classes starts. Well besides our math teacher who dressed wonderfully. But while the day goes on I am planning to take someone for a date. You only live once, right? Mind as well treat someone for a date. So while I prepare everyone stayed oblivious with few people knowing my plan.

     At last is the end of the day. Luckily she was cleaners on Valentine's day so I have time to wait. With box of chocolate in hand, seeing her walk out. I made my move. How was it? SHE SAID YES!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Simply Neat

     These sets of activities and services were fun to say the least. I never expected this to happen but it was neat that it happened. These are film viewing, printing, games, laminating, and research all provided by the ICT teachers and students. Each will provide some form of entertainment or use. But overall it's small but a welcoming set of events.

     Now what did I do exactly while I'm there? I simply went film viewing with my buds. The film was fine and dandy and a lot of effort was put into it. I had my smiles and laughs and definitely saw reactions from my friends too. Afterwards, me and my friends went to check out gaming, it was disappointing to say the least. Well for our standards.

     Overall its a small but neat event. Not much to expect but enough to get people interested. Maybe if I need to watch a short film to pass the day, try play some of those games provided, maybe I need something to be printed, or to be laminated, or perhaps I need to research something. There are ways that these activities and services to assess my wants or needs. So head out and give a try yourself.


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Significant Celebration

     Do you ever feel bored? Do you happen to be laying down staring at your phone doing nothing? Well I have good news for you because Ilocos Sur Festival is here to eliminate those dull moments and replace it with exciting activities! 2024 has a lot in store for you so grab your clothes and go out as you will be wowed by fun events! Ilocos Sur Festival 2024 is an annual festival that celebrates the founding anniversary of the province of Ilocos Sur every 2nd of February.

     Week long activities lasts from the last days of January all the way to the first week of February. This fiesta celebrates with joy and excitement for everyone and anyone! I was there to experience myself and I've got to say, it was the best hours I have spent. There are many stalls you can browse, many food stalls to feast your mouth on, events that will make you smile with glee! Parades, street dancing, fur parades, and more! There will be events that will fit your interest!

     So while there is still time left, get your lazy butt up and come enjoy the festivities! There is a lot in store for you. And make sure to bring your friends and family to celebrate with you! Come celebrate the Ilocos Sur Festival 2024! You will have a blast! If not them at the very least you will leave with a smile on your face!


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Progress means everything!

     Well quarter 2 was...  Underwhelming, for me to say the least. But I have improved better than before and my reflections finally stick into my head. So I improved as a person but for my academics? That's debatable. So it's just a mix of ups and downs and I can't find a middle ground to stand on. Well, I guess I can reflect more this time.

     What have I learned and discover throughout 2st Quarter? What did I learned this time? Something to do with HTML, attributes and stuff, improving my blog, etc. But what had I discover? Well for one I found a way to combat my procrastination, so that's great development. But now a new issue arises with my lack of motivation and effort which I'll explain thoroughly in the next question.

    Yeah. Well I now procrastinate less but I now lack motivation to study. It's different to procrastination but the thing is that I have grown bored and tired of studying. Yes, I can hear you say that studying is important, that I can't argue but I found myself giving less effort than before. My scores in exams are improving and my performance in general are exceptional but I simply find less motivation to continue on. Leaving me to situations where I am left with no reason to keep going with this cycle.

      I need someone to push me to my limits. I want someone to force me to do my academics with more passion. Then again if I do what I do without enjoying or accepting it then it isn't efficient of a solution. Instead I'll find ways to continue my studies through self goals and missions. For example, if I reach 5 recitations on English then I reward myself with ice cream. Simply to give myself motivation I have to challenge myself and promise a reward after completing it.

     Moving on I will enjoy my remaining junior high school days. Have low expectations but still give out my 100%. I will find the inspiration to keep going. And hope that I won't become lazier by the minute. Well that's all folks, thanks for reading!



My Last Reflection: Time to Change

     It has been a very short but impactful year. I have met very wonderful people in my life, made little but proud academic achievements, ...