Friday, April 26, 2024

My Last Reflection: Time to Change

     It has been a very short but impactful year. I have met very wonderful people in my life, made little but proud academic achievements, and experience the worse of me. So much happened and smiles, laughs, and anger are exchanged. I have changed you have changed, we all change in some way. So I want to make my final say...

     I learnt quite a lot: El Filibusterismo from Filipino, making research papers from English, Grouped and Ungrouped data from Math, Gas Laws and Biomolecules from Science, Nature from Esp, Political Rights from AP, Musical Plays and Cheerdancing from MAPEH, and of course the lessons I have learnt in ICT.

     But from learning, there will be challenges. Many of which comes from myself. I had lose all motivation left in me, I only kept pushing forward due to expectations people have in me. I never wish to disappoint them. My constant irritation and close-minded attitude which makes me a massive red flag. I can't seem to be open with people's help despite my dire situation.

     Yet I wished I address these challenges. But the only remedy is my parents. No one, even myself can't break me out of this destructive cycle than the keen observation from my parents. Without them I might've carry these bad habits over to senior high school. So I cannot express my gratefulness to have amazing help from my wonderful parents.

     Moving on, I will become better. I am not gaslighting myself and I am not making promises. I will do it! I will make myself better and improve! Abandon these old habits and become a better me! So this school year may not be the greatest but I enjoyed my months with you all! RJB, Maxwell, Marconi, Martinelli, and Markov students... I see you all in the flip side!

You have reached the end of the my journey, our journey, and now you have reached the end of the abyss. May the light shine upon thee for the future is bright!


Monday, April 22, 2024

A peer into the future

     The future will come, and it is inevitable. What can I do but prepare for my incoming change. I can only imagine what I'll be a decade later to which I what to share about. The future is unknown, and I don't know how to determine it now or soon. But I would like to say that to make my dreams come true then I would have to work diligently every day until I became what I dreamt of. With that said, I see myself...

     Working as an accountant, preferably in a bank or in an insurance company. I see myself still attending law school, listening attentively and thinking critically, I have 2-3 more years until I graduate. I see myself studying criminology in my pastime to further enhance my knowledge more. Then I study politics to handle politicians and governors. I see myself applying to become a registered lawyer/attorney, achieving my career goal. I know I won't be happy in that life, but it was necessary for me to make a living.

     Overall, it's a dull but satisfying future. With obstacles like corruption, unfairness, bias, and most importantly myself. Since my ego and envy will hinder my progress. I know I will succeed if I free myself from the negativity and be open-minded, but it'll be a long journey. So, let us see how far I will go?


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Mother's Day, in a Filipino Way

     We live our lives in comfort, care, and with guidance all thanks to our mothers. We never see what it was like to be a mother, but we know our mothers must put up with a lot just for us. In the eyes of mothers around the world, their child is their life goal, and their future is their reward. They sacrifice a lot for us to live. But here in the Philippines, how do we celebrate this day in a Filipino Traditional way?

     Well, Mother's Day in the Philippines is a cherished occasion marked by gatherings of families who come together to honor and express their love for mothers and mother figures.
Traditional Filipino dishes are often prepared or enjoyed at restaurants as part of the celebration. Gift-giving is a customary practice, with children presenting flowers, chocolates, or heartfelt cards to their mothers as tokens of appreciation. Children often plan surprises or special gestures to make their mothers feel cherished, such as breakfast in bed or organizing family outings. Many also take the opportunity to visit their mothers or mother figures if they live separately, prioritizing quality time together. Religious observances, including attending church services and offering prayers for mothers, are significant for those who are inclined towards spirituality. Additionally, some communities may host public events or celebrations to honor mothers, featuring music, dance performances, and other forms of entertainment. Overall, Mother's Day in the Philippines is a meaningful celebration that underscores the love, sacrifice, and importance of mothers in Filipino culture.

We Filipinos value our mothers more than relationships and friends. Because by the end of the day whenever we are lost, at our worst, completely devastated, or simply want someone to talk to. We all have our mothers lending their time to their children. They will yell at us for what we did, bark orders to us, act all protective over us, and any embarrassing or annoying acts. But just know, "Mother knows best!"


Monday, April 15, 2024

The Inevitable Change

     I imagine a country which is in a state of balance. A place where people are not too selfish with comfort, adapt to every struggle, no poverty, no neglect. By now there have been many issues in the Philippines that has been neglected by the current government. I want to make a change, but I know it can't happen now, so I must start preparing now. If being a governor or politician take's me into a breath's distance to a greater change, then that is where I will start.

     I will study hard and smart, to be diligent, academics are the steppingstone into my dream career. Afterwards I will enroll myself in law school and get a degree and a scholarship, but becoming a lawyer takes time so I will be an accountant as my side job. Once I graduate then I will study criminology to further enhance my knowledge and give me a better chance in defending my statement. Of course there will be obstacles in my way, and unfortunately it is the corrupt side of our government who only think of their own comfort and greed. Many sins of greed, lust, and gluttony. But the greatest sin is sloth, which is the start of their negligence. But they won't stop me, they make the laws that suppress us then I will use the law against them and see if they practice what they preached.

     I am not against the government, but the people needed more than protection. Needs must be met, and we can't expect the poor or the rich to have ambitious children. The change I want is less on myself but to make the Philippines better. To not become weak when tough times come, but not become lazy when times become easy. Balance is the way and the goal of my dreams.


Friday, April 12, 2024

Valiant Hearts, Unnamed Soldiers of War

     Many Filipinos died at war and their names are lost amongst time. We may not know their story but the best we can do is to honor their sacrifices and services. This day, April 9, and on this day we commemorate our fallen brothers in arm. This day is the Day of Valor. To remember Filipino and American soldiers who fought against the Japanese, particularly the Battle of Bataan.

     But why must we commemorate this day? It is to honor our heroes, the soldiers of war: It is to honor the courage and sacrifice of Filipino soldiers who fought with bravery and resilience despite being overwhelmed. To remember their sacrifices: To remember the suffering endured by these soldiers, especially those who are subjected to the infamous Bataan Death March. For National Pride and Unity: It reminds us of our forebears who fought for our country's freedom and strengthens our nation's identity and pride. And to Pay Tributes to Veterans of War: Of course this day is also to commemorate the veterans who served our country and to appreciate their contributions to secure peace and freedom for the Philippines.

     Overall, the Day of Valor is a solemn of the costs of war and the high price of freedom. Reinforcing the appreciation for the soldiers who partake in war. We honor not only the surviving veterans and the fallen Filipinos but we also honor those who served honorable military service in defending the country. Their contribution and sacrifice will never be in vain for their efforts are worth it in the end. The Philippines is now free all thanks to these nameless heroes.


Friday, March 22, 2024

122nd HSD Celebration: The Struggles We've Endured

     The annual High School Day Celebration is a mandatory event for students and teachers to partake each year. Here in ISNHS, we too celebrate High School Day. This year is it's 122nd time we celebrate it. And how did we celebrate? Well, let me share you my experiences.

     To start things off, before the High School Day all grade levels from 7 to 10 must practice their high school day dance. This lasted for a whole week and it is separated from boys to girls. For us boys our practice were harsh. Having to dance under the hot sun as it cooks us alive, and yes I am exaggerating. Everyone has to decide whether they wear a jacket and hat to avoid getting sunburn but having to sweat buckets of sweat from it, or to not wear anything to reduce sweat but risking getting a sickening tan. I have no choice but to wear a jacket to practice due to made fun off for getting darker. And the sun was a deadly laser. My friend from Special Science Class nearly passed out from the heat and have to spend the rest of the day in the clinic to cool off.

     As for the dance itself, it wasn't difficult to practice at all. Yet I feel like the Mapeh teachers are making new steps after every take. Most cases they force us to repeat for 3 hours just to have it change later on, making our efforts wasted. From the groans of every boy all around we are all tired and wanted to hog the nearest fan we could find. Yet they made us practice under the sun for hours on end. Then when it's the girls turn, they only get 3 takes before calling it a day! And when they practiced the sun already sets because it is 5pm! God I don't care if their props were hell during practice, the boys have to spend hours sweating our butts!

     Speaking of props, our props weren't bad to make its just the materials we have to hassle over. Many colored cartolina have been bought just to make a simple fan. Many glue, tape, scissors, and pencils have been used to make our props. We wake up early and head to school early just to finish our props. At one point we all haven't ate lunch since we've been busy making our props!

     Overall by the time High School Day finally comes and our efforts were paid off. Though we started of with a parade, then the dance, finally the afternoon concert. Which is incredible though I wish they sang more English songs. Regardless I enjoyed my time. But I still get horrors from the practice...

Leadership under Teamwork

     I'll be frank when I say I'm not the most qualified leader, yet because of my unspoken charisma I've been chosen as the leader of my group. Never wanting to disappoint them I accepted my role and be their chosen leader. Our theme Livelihood and Economics with our chosen topic be Entrepreneurship Business and Industries. Though the theme is challenging, we believe that we can push through! But that is just the beginning.

     Assigning each member's role is hard for me. Since I have to take account of the capabilities of my group members. And to rub more salt in the wound each role taken is an individual grade. That means I need to take account of the individual grades of my members and myself. And for us our roles were imbalance. With me taking 4 components which are: a, b, c, and d.

     My entire week was work loaded because of the thematic. Everyday is research and type. Really took a toll to my patience but I am obligated to finish my work soon as possible. Really can't disappoint my team, nor my grades. So I take it all in and stress myself through the weeks.

     I'll be frank when I say that I struggle with the thematic. But thankfully a leader is nothing without its team and with my group members we manage to finish what we're assigned. Well we encountered issues and errors but I scrutinize them once we're done. Also some of my members isn't contributing anything at all, even when they do it's chatGPT. But we have to work around that somehow.

     So the whole experience is what I imagined, stressful and tiring, not even interesting. But hey I can't leave in a bad note. I enjoyed working with people and I appreciate the efforts my group mates had done. I couldn't done it without them. And with that said, I bid you all a farewell.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Strong and Capable, that are women

     We live in the world where women are still made fun upon for their existence, their efforts are not appreciated thoroughly nor appropriately. But on recent years we are finally giving them the proper acknowledgement they deserve. Women's month aims to celebrate the empowerment of women as contributors and claimholder of development. Meant to show equality for women to have the same rights and struggles as men. This year, women's month 2024, we shall continue to celebration to give our respects.

     What can I do to help celebrate this women's month? To contribute I shall be on stage and express my thoughts and feelings in an extemporaneous. I had done so last year and I will do it this year too. I shall state their contributions and reveal their struggles while I say my opinions and views about this month. Equality is needed for both genders and justice mustn't turn a blind eye against women. Henceforth, I shall enlighten everyone.

     As I come conclude my statement, I believe women are not meant the be better than men nor men be better than women. But I believe men and women are made to compliment each other. Still women can't catch a break so Women's Month is here to celebrate the contributions these women have done for everyone. And this year I hope you to further express women's month in the extempo. Stay safe and love one another, and I'll see you all in the flipside!


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Mutual feelings

     Ah Valentines day, the day where everyone pitch in to enjoy with their significant other while the majority just spite couples and be bitter about the idea of love. Don't lie I know there are many of you who have some traumatic experience with love. Well for this year everyone is going white and black with bits of grey in amidst of it. And of course there are the single and contented people with their pinks. I wore blue in the sea of monochrome colors for I had a mutual understanding with someone.

     After the initial reactions everything went back to normal when classes starts. Well besides our math teacher who dressed wonderfully. But while the day goes on I am planning to take someone for a date. You only live once, right? Mind as well treat someone for a date. So while I prepare everyone stayed oblivious with few people knowing my plan.

     At last is the end of the day. Luckily she was cleaners on Valentine's day so I have time to wait. With box of chocolate in hand, seeing her walk out. I made my move. How was it? SHE SAID YES!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Simply Neat

     These sets of activities and services were fun to say the least. I never expected this to happen but it was neat that it happened. These are film viewing, printing, games, laminating, and research all provided by the ICT teachers and students. Each will provide some form of entertainment or use. But overall it's small but a welcoming set of events.

     Now what did I do exactly while I'm there? I simply went film viewing with my buds. The film was fine and dandy and a lot of effort was put into it. I had my smiles and laughs and definitely saw reactions from my friends too. Afterwards, me and my friends went to check out gaming, it was disappointing to say the least. Well for our standards.

     Overall its a small but neat event. Not much to expect but enough to get people interested. Maybe if I need to watch a short film to pass the day, try play some of those games provided, maybe I need something to be printed, or to be laminated, or perhaps I need to research something. There are ways that these activities and services to assess my wants or needs. So head out and give a try yourself.


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Significant Celebration

     Do you ever feel bored? Do you happen to be laying down staring at your phone doing nothing? Well I have good news for you because Ilocos Sur Festival is here to eliminate those dull moments and replace it with exciting activities! 2024 has a lot in store for you so grab your clothes and go out as you will be wowed by fun events! Ilocos Sur Festival 2024 is an annual festival that celebrates the founding anniversary of the province of Ilocos Sur every 2nd of February.

     Week long activities lasts from the last days of January all the way to the first week of February. This fiesta celebrates with joy and excitement for everyone and anyone! I was there to experience myself and I've got to say, it was the best hours I have spent. There are many stalls you can browse, many food stalls to feast your mouth on, events that will make you smile with glee! Parades, street dancing, fur parades, and more! There will be events that will fit your interest!

     So while there is still time left, get your lazy butt up and come enjoy the festivities! There is a lot in store for you. And make sure to bring your friends and family to celebrate with you! Come celebrate the Ilocos Sur Festival 2024! You will have a blast! If not them at the very least you will leave with a smile on your face!


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Progress means everything!

     Well quarter 2 was...  Underwhelming, for me to say the least. But I have improved better than before and my reflections finally stick into my head. So I improved as a person but for my academics? That's debatable. So it's just a mix of ups and downs and I can't find a middle ground to stand on. Well, I guess I can reflect more this time.

     What have I learned and discover throughout 2st Quarter? What did I learned this time? Something to do with HTML, attributes and stuff, improving my blog, etc. But what had I discover? Well for one I found a way to combat my procrastination, so that's great development. But now a new issue arises with my lack of motivation and effort which I'll explain thoroughly in the next question.

    Yeah. Well I now procrastinate less but I now lack motivation to study. It's different to procrastination but the thing is that I have grown bored and tired of studying. Yes, I can hear you say that studying is important, that I can't argue but I found myself giving less effort than before. My scores in exams are improving and my performance in general are exceptional but I simply find less motivation to continue on. Leaving me to situations where I am left with no reason to keep going with this cycle.

      I need someone to push me to my limits. I want someone to force me to do my academics with more passion. Then again if I do what I do without enjoying or accepting it then it isn't efficient of a solution. Instead I'll find ways to continue my studies through self goals and missions. For example, if I reach 5 recitations on English then I reward myself with ice cream. Simply to give myself motivation I have to challenge myself and promise a reward after completing it.

     Moving on I will enjoy my remaining junior high school days. Have low expectations but still give out my 100%. I will find the inspiration to keep going. And hope that I won't become lazier by the minute. Well that's all folks, thanks for reading!


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

It's more fun sa Pamayanan!

     Well why don't 'cha look at that? Exams are over, thematic passed, and a week off from classes! And why not spend those days through celebrating the Fiesta of our beloved Heritage City of Vigan. There you can see the street dancing and parades, which are the highlight of the fiesta. But most importantly the main highlight is when we honor St. Paul our beloved Patron Saint. Come see the festivities they have in store! Bring your friends, bring your dates, bring your family, or bring your pets! You will never be bored for there is something that will catch your eyes! Ranging from an all you can eat food fair, the carnival with fun and exciting rides, and an upcoming trade fair with exotic things to buy! The fiesta has so many fun things to experience for  everyone to enjoy! Pretty convenient too it happens rights after our exams, welp moving on, let me share the wonderful experience with you all!

What else to start of than meeting up with my friends? This entire experience cannot be fun without them. I had fun goofing around with other doofuses. And honestly I'll be bored if I don't have anybody around.

Let's start things up with the carnival. What else is there to say? Fun rides, scary rides, all entertainment, with addition to food, and maybe some souvenirs. Give it a try! Might not be grand but definitely has a lot of effort put to it!

The carnival is packed with people. Locals and visitors alike! Even a glimpse of foreigners are added to the mix!

If you seen the video above then you'll also notice a lot of place to risk your money and earn your reward! Ranging from snacks, decorations, and possibly even more money! So, care to gamble? Because we sure aren't! Haha!

Here is me and my boys going in the horror house. Forgive my foul language and the constant screaming. Well, that's the common reaction if you enter a horror house to begin with. And, I fail to realize that you can't see anything but I can assure you the audio tells the story perfectly.

Hope you're feeling hungry because there is a lot of food for you to eat! Vigan Food Festival gathers all the culinary chefs to cook their delicious dishes and serve for anyone to taste! And my stomach is happy to feast on these dishes!

When we got there the place is fully packed with people! Hungry people to be exact! Man, I gotta say if you want to unite everyone then food is the go to for a large gathering!

Lastly is a sight to behold! The street dance is wonderful! I am entertained by the performance! Even though I am only watching their backs... Hehe, should've gone at front!

     In the end, I had fun! Me and my friends had fun! Though it'll be nice if I went out with my family. It is still fun nice hanging out with my friends! The festival is wonderful and there will be more exciting events to come in the upcoming month. So enjoy the festival with me! Go out, bring your friends or your family, your dear pets, and enjoy the experience! I haven't even show more of it! Parades, cosplay events, competitions, etc! So why don't you say? Drop your whatever you are doing. And have fun sa Pamayanan!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Patriotism of Jose Rizal

     Our most beloved, Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y Alonso Realonda, the national hero of the Philippines. The man who fought with a pen , and not with a gun. Victim of tyranny, a hero through novels. He truly is the man Filipinos aspire to be. But what did he done to contribute to Philippine society? What has he done to change the Philippines to what it is today? To simply put, he awakened the hearts of the Filipinos. He awakened the will for the Filipinos to fight back against the oppression, the pain that the friars has done to the country. What he contributed just made the Philippines independent and free!

     But how, you may soon ask? Let us first investigate his novels that caused it all. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. These two books are the reasons why Jose Rizal made a tremendous change to the Philippines. These books heavily personify the current situation the Philippines during the Spanish reign, it exposes the abuses and injustices committed by the Spanish Government. His way of fighting is silent yet revolutionary. His writings are enough for the Filipinos to witness and understand and soon sparks the revolution and inspire Andres Bonifacio to form the "KKK."

     Though it may not seem much. Jose Rizal started the fire needed to free the Philippines. Even in his death he already made a major impact within every Filipino. The privilege we have now is all thanks to Jose Rizal's contribution. His novels are his best works, these novels done enough to reveal the cruelty of the Spanish government. And with the rising sun, Jose Rizal died knowing that the Philippines will be freed.


Thursday, January 4, 2024

New Year, New Problems, New Reflections

A new year... The same old me... Yeah not the greatest start, likewise, it is still the beginning of the year so I still have a long way to go. So what's new? Besides Japan sinking, Steamboat Willy is no longer copyrighted, and exams coming around the corner, this year is filled with unexpected potential. Should I cry? Pray? Dance and sing? Or all of the above? Because I am running out of options. But I'm getting out of topic. What exactly can I do this year?

New Year,

2024... We made it this far. Man how time passes fast when you get older eyy? What more can I say for this paragraph? All I could say, we all did it. Let's not stop right here. We all can do this for this year. Happiness, sadness, anger, laziness, and all the mood we all need for this year. Cheers to whoever reads this, let's move on.

New Problems,

Ashamed to say this but old habits hits harder this year. Procrastination will forever be my greatest weakness. I need motivation to keep myself stable or else I'll fail. Not to mentions my grades plummeting to the ground, but with an advice of a dear friend of mine I decided to keep my expectations low but my efforts high. So that way when I fail this quarter I won't-... Woops getting dark there. Apologies. But present problems aside the year will present us problems soon so it's best I stay light on my feet.

New Reflections,

Let me think back last year and what I can do for this year. Be more diligent? Yes. Give my wisdom to others? Absolutely! Think less negatively? Still ongoing. There is a lot for me to reflect and more coming this year. Right now I just want to be a better me. This whole paragraph may be redundant but I'm not trying to be serious here, I just want to entertain anyone who reads this.

So what is there for this year? Only way to find out is to be patient. We can't wallow over the past, and we certainly can't stay in the present forever. Tomorrow is a new future for the better or worst. Let's do our best to keep up a smile then. Shall we?


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Grateful Christmas, not Grateful Presents

Christmas, everyone celebrates it and even in most countries. Whether to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ or any other reasons. Let us all collectively agree that Christmas is the most celebrated holiday ever existed. Though in modern day society everyone only celebrated Christmas out of tradition, for the presents, and/or for the sake of celebrating Christmas. Although this year has lost the spirit of Christmas, I want to make my Christmas extra special. But not in they way you expect…

     Love is always present in good or bad timing. Whether it is our desire, our passion, goal, person, thing, anything that makes us love. And in Christmas what else do I love? My family of course! Just meeting with my relatives is the greatest gift I could ever asked for! No need for pasalubong or any gifts. But this year my relatives can’t come over nor we can come over to them. Due to the current conflict within my family, we can’t meet this Christmas. But that doesn’t mean I can just stop there! I just celebrate with the family I have currently! My mother and father, I am grateful enough to celebrate Christmas with them. And that is my love for Christmas.


Compassion is the greatest personality a person could have. And in this Christmas I wish to expand my compassion even more. Though Christmas is the season of giving, I can give more than a simple gift. And I don’t need money to buy someone’s happiness if I am enough to make my loved ones happy! Though some people will not appreciate my low efforts to make them happy, I hope it can make me feel slightly better for I am grateful for my compassion.


Now what about the community? What can I for my friends and neighbors? My classmates and school? That is the challenging part for me. My mission is to be grateful but everyone has their own views for Christmas. Some understood the message but some needs more than a simple greeting and handshake. My friends included. Well I am trying to make this work with whatever I have in store. So this Christmas I ought to entertain my community the best I could! Caroling, greeting, giving money, and being hospitable is enough to celebrate Christmas with the community. But my friends will be another story…

     My way will look underwhelming to the majority. It isn’t as lavish as the ones you see in social media, but remember that this is my Christmas. I am grateful with what I have, the people I’m with, and if I can’t please your standards then I am sorry. But take note it’s not always about giving gifts or eating out, it’s the thought of being together with the people you love and adore is enough. I am grateful this year, and I hope you too can be grateful.


My Last Reflection: Time to Change

     It has been a very short but impactful year. I have met very wonderful people in my life, made little but proud academic achievements, ...